From the innovative freight wagon to the intelligent freight train – the TIS roadmap for competitive rail freight

From the innovative freight wagon to the intelligent freight train – the TIS roadmap for competitive rail freight

The “5L Future Initiative” – the objectives of the TIS

The Technical Innovation Circle for Rail Freight Transport pursues the objectives to identify relevant basic innovations to meet or support the following functionalities: Low-noise, lightweight, long-running, logistics-enabled, life-cycle-cost-oriented.

In 2012, the white paper “Innovative Rail Freight Wagon 2030 – The ‘5L’ Future Initiative”¹, published by the Technical Innovation Circle for Rail Freight Transport (TIS), did more than formulate ambitious goals.

It also presented the sector with a new approach for developing basic innovations using the concept of a demonstrator train.

Working together in TIS serves to strengthen the innovative power of the rail freight transport sector, and especially the potential for innovative freight wagons, in order to tap into growth opportunities for rail freight transportation as a whole.

The TIS roadmap for the future of rail freight

Project management and spokesperson

Project management and spokesperson

Advisory board

Advisory board